Thursday, 21 May 2015

The past two days Evie has been extra difficult. Fussy, clingy, restless. The tantrums are coming in thick & fast, if she's not crying then she's clambering to be picked up. She's off her food, not sleeping well & making me question what I've done to create this little monster. 

Then I remembered that these are sure signs that she's going through a 'mental leap'. So this morning I grabbed my phone, opened 'The Wonder Weeks' app & sure enough there is a big 'storm' icon looming next to Evie's head. 

Time to batten down the hatches, we're in for a grumpy few weeks!

Have you noticed periods when your little sweetheart has suddenly turned into an absolute nightmare? Of course you have, it happens to ALL of us. The great thing is, it's not your fault! It just means that your baby is learning a set of new skills.

All new parents of babies need 'The Wonder Weeks' app! It is incredibly helpful. We first got the app when Evie was a few weeks old & I'm glad we did.

Babies go through their first 'mental leap' when they are around 5 weeks old. The signs of a leap are 'clinginess, crankiness & crying'. 'The Wonder Weeks' app will tell you why your child is being fussy, what they're learning at the moment & how you can help them to develop these skills through play. For example, when Evie was around 10 months old she was learning about sequences. This meant that she was now starting to recognise the flow of everyday events. The app gave some great suggestions of what we could introduce to her at this stage.

A leap never lasts more than a few weeks. The app has a cute little timeline so that you can see when the leaps are likely to be. Where the sun is shining you can expect a calm period. If a storm icon appears it means they are going through a leap. 

It's nice to know that everyone with a little one experiences the same leaps & crankiness. I love that this app gives you information on why your baby is behaving this way & suggests games & activities that you can introduce to help them through this period.

'The Wonder Weeks' is actually a book & the app is just a snippet version of the book. The app always gives us enough information, but the book gives you a bigger insight of the leaps & a lot more suggestions of things you can do with your little one. 

Have you ever used 'The Wonder Weeks'? 

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Binky LinkyMami 2 Five MaternityMondays


  1. We loved this too! I wish they still it for toddlers haha! xx

    1. I wish they did too! Evie's 1 leap away from the end of this app. I don't know what I'm going to do without it haha. I guess it's because they can talk from then onwards. x

  2. This app sounds great, I have recommended it to my sister for my baby niece.
    Things like this make me worry less about starting a family, I get nervous that I wont knwo what to do.

    1. It's so helpful. This isn't even a sponsored post, I just love it that much I had to share it. It really lets you know why you're baby is behaving the way they are. It's great! If it helps, we had no idea what to do, even when we took Evie home from hospital. But after a few weeks it feels like you've had them forever. :-) xxx

  3. We were major users of this app..I must have opened it nearly everyday!! A great app. :-) x #binkylinky

    1. So, so great! There are so many activities/games/things I do with Evie because of this app. Every time she's going through a specific leap, I try & really help to introduce things that will boost her learning. It is so helpful. x

  4. I agree, wonder weeks is amazing and makes total sense!! :)

    1. Yes it really does! I love that they are just suggestive of activities to try as well. They're not like 'you must do this with your little one'. It really does make you go 'oh that's why they're behaving like that. 'x

  5. I totally need to get this app for my 5 week old, might give me some sort of a clue as to what she's crying for!

    Helen - #binkylinky

    1. Yes you do! Honestly, it's the best parenting app we've ever got. It's the only one we even use now. When they start learning new things as well, it is absolutely spot on everytime. It helped us understand Evie ridiculous amounts. This isn't even a sponsored post, I genuinely love it that much. I hope other mums & dads discover it, because it made our lives so much easier. xx

  6. Looks like a great app. Thanks for linking up to the #BinkyLinky

    1. It really is if you've got a little one under 18 months. It really helps you to understand what your little one is learning at the moment. It is spot on every time too. When Evie started crying when we left rooms, we opened up the app & sure enough it said 'your little one will start to notice that you're not attached anymore & will start to cry when you leave her'. It has been our biggest insight into communicating & understanding Evie. x

  7. We use the Wonder Weeks too. Apart from the name (nothing wonderful about the leap weeks!) we find it useful. Sometimes a little daunting though, when you've had a bad day and check the app to see the leap spread out in front of you!

    1. Definitely nothing wonderful about the grumpiness, but I definitely love that they give you a rough idea of how long the leap will go on for & what sort of things you can do to encourage their learning :-) x

  8. I think the book is more in-depth than the app, so it might just be worth sticking with that. It is brilliant isn't it! I think it makes understanding babies so much easier! :-D x

  9. We loved the app, had it from day 1 with Indiana and always felt reassured by it. She's completed all her leaps now though - just in time to start it all again with her brother when he's born in August haha xx

    1. I don't know what I'm going to do when Evie completes her leaps haha. I'm dreading there being no more guidance. It's good that you get to use it again though. You so easily forget how much newborns differ from 1 year olds. x

  10. Ooh I have never heard of this but will have to check it out as it certainly sounds very useful! Thanks for linking with #maternityMondays xx

    1. It really is so useful. It's such a great insight into what's going on with your little one. x
