Sunday, 17 May 2015

I was terrified at the thought of walking into a baby group. I am so shy & am rubbish at making small talk. But my health visitor recommended I joined a local baby group for under 1's. She said it was a great way to meet other mums & might help with my postnatal blues because there were lots of other mums out there feeling the same as me. I am so glad that I pushed myself to go. Here are my top 5 reasons why you should join a baby group...

1.You meet new friends.
And most importantly have someone to whine too! Nobody understands more about what it's like to have a child that's at the same stages as your child, than another mum with a child at the same stage! 

Your mums, aunties & anyone else who had children years & years ago are great to chat to, but they can't really relate to what you're experiencing right now. There's no nicer feeling than saying to a group of people about your child being a royal pain in the arse because he's been up all night, only to hear someone chirp up 'mine too!' 

2. It's a great excuse to get out of cleaning the house for a couple of hours.
Some mornings when I have baby groups I literally dance around piles of mess as I leave the house singing 'not today!' Goodbye mess, you are out of sight & out of mind.

3. It gets you out!
Being surrounded by the same four walls all day can drive you & your little one crazy. Some days I wake up & think 'what on earth can I do today?' There are only so many times in the week you can go to the supermarket to get milk just to get some fresh air & to entertain your little one. It's so nice to actually have an event to go to where you're with like minded people who are also desperate to be outside in the world.

4.Your little one learns to socialise. 
At first there are lots of little ones poking & prodding other littles ones eyes & faces, followed by lots of apologetic mums saying 'I'm sorry, I have been trying to stop her doing that!' until eventually you get so comfortable with them whacking each other accidentally with toys you don't even say anything anymore. 

It is so important to teach them social skills from a young age. Not only does it help them learn to play with others & to make friends, but it gets them prepared for school & nursery. Evie's first day of nursery she walked in & recognised some of the babies from groups we've been too & immediately made her way straight over to them to play. It made leaving her behind so much easier.

5.You both might learn something together.
We've been to some great groups like 'The Creation Station'. I loved getting messy with Evie at 'The Creation Station' & have learnt so many new ways of doing messy play with her at home. There are so many groups in your area that you can choose from, from general play groups, to baby music groups, baby gymnastics, baby yoga, swimming, the list could go on. I'm planning on taking Evie to a sing & sign group next, so that we can both learn sign language. I've heard it really helps babies to communicate while they still can't talk. 

Have you been to any great baby groups? 

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MummascribblesMami 2 FiveModern Dad PagesBrilliant blog posts on HonestMum.com


  1. I remember those first few times getting out with my first too, it is definitely a case of persevere and you will both get something out of it! Thanks for linking up to #sundaystars

    1. It really is. The first few times I was really nervous. But it gets so much easier with time & you're all there for the same purpose. x

  2. Agreed! Also makes you feel better to have friends who are going through the same things, and understand that you can't always have a night out etc.


    1. It really does. They don't tell you when you have a baby how much you'd drift from your old friends. It's so nice to have friends who have the same things in common now & understand what your life is like x

  3. What a great post! My little boy is 2.5 now but our under ones group was suggested to me by my health visitor when he was born. I was soooo nervous and it took a few weeks for those nerves to go but I am so glad I kept on going because I met such a lovely group of mums and some of them I consider best friends now! LIke you say its great having someone to chat to and feel like you're not alone. And it means theres always another playdate (usually involving cake!) around the corner :) #sundaystars

    1. Thank you so much. It took me a few sessions to get rid of the nerves & then I realised that everyone in the room was feeling the same & that we were all there for the same purpose. It really is so nice to have people around you who understand your life with a little one. x

  4. I was thinking of going to the bump and baby group at our local children's centre today but kept talking myself out of it and thinking there's no point until Olivia is older (she's currently 2 weeks) as it's not like she is going to play so what are we going to do for the hour and a half. Even though the group is for pregnant women and babies up to 1 year. I'm also rather shy around people I don't know and in new situations.

    1. Honestly I am so shy & get crippling anxiety. It took a few sessions for the nerves to go, but really everyone who is there is in exactly the same boat as you. They're all going to that group to meet new people. It's a bit daunting because some people have been there for ages & others are new, but in a few sessions you'll get comfortable & will feel so glad to meet people with babies the same age as yours. I went when Evie was about 3 weeks & then didn't go for two weeks because I was too scared. The next time I went there were lots of babies the same age as her & they just lay on little pillows as we chatted & dangled shiny things in front of them. It was great to share sleepless nights with other mums. Even though some may seem confident, I promise you they're faking it & feel just as nervous as you. :-) The people who run the groups are usually so lovely as well & make sure that you're never left out. xxx

    2. p.s. you can always leave early & use the excuse you've got an appointment if you're nervous! :-)

  5. I, like you, was scared of going to baby groups, even second time round! As soon as you take that step and attend the first one, your on your way. I have missed going to the baby groups so much, since being back to work, I feel lie I'm missing out! I still see my mummy friends that I met there, which is great x

    1. That's great that you still meet up. It's so nice as well, just to go & socialise with other like-minded people. Even if you've all got busy lives, you know that you're guaranteed some grown ups to talk to at least once or twice a week. :) x

  6. I was really unsure if I'd like the whole baby group thing and initially went along for little T's benefit. I have met some lovely people there however and was lost this week when we arrived 5 minutes late to be told it was full. I left and I cried - I didn't realise just how important it was to have the opportunity to talk it all out with fellow mums until I didn't get that. I would recommend everyone to try a group at least once! x

    1. Oh wow, I can't believe they turn people away! I loved baby group. I'm trying to find some new groups now Evie's gone 1. I cried when we had to leave under 1's. It was so sad that we couldn't go anymore because it was apart of our week since Evie was a few weeks old. I can't wait to find some new groups though & do some bigger activities. It is so important for us & them to socialise with other families. :-) x

  7. Agreed on all counts. It is hard to do but it makes a huge difference. As the comment above, I used to help run a toddler group that had a limit on the people insured for the hall. It was so popular that it was possible to be turned away which was absolutely awful. I didn't have to do it, the hall owners did but I so felt for those mums. Most likely a bad morning led to being a bit later than usual and then going all the way there to be turned away. So tough.

    1. I never knew people got turned away from groups. It's such a shame because normally mums go because they need that support from other mums. Definitely tough. But yes, it really does make a huge difference going doesn't it. It's nice to have a little bubble where everyone understands how much a little one changes your life. xx

  8. I never ended up joining a baby group, mostly because my neighbourhood WAS one! We had five little ones born between November 2005 and November 2006 within two houses of us in each direction. Also, because I am very outgoing, I just ended up hosting a lot of get-togethers at my house. What I really did benefit from, though, was mummy groups, specifically twin mummy groups. Just seeing someone with older twins who managed to brush their hair and wear matching shoes gave me hope!

    Thanks for linking at #TwinklyTuesday!

    1. Oh wow you are so lucky to live so close to other little ones. I am so shy I found baby groups terrifying at first. I wish I was more outgoing. I am in so much admiration of people with twins. I have NO idea how you get that balance with two or how you even manage to make a cup of tea!!!! Parents of twins & triplets etc are completely inspiring. xx
