I am so shocked & incredibly grateful to have been nominated for the Liebster Award this week. I have only been blogging for a month or so now so to be nominated for an award is amazing. It is incredibly lovely to know that people are not only reading my blog, but they enjoy it too. Thank you so much!
The lovely Christina over at LadyBug Home & Design nominated me for this award. Thank you so much Christina! She is from Hemel Hempstead where she is the mother of two beautiful children! She originates from Portland in America but has followed her heart to the UK & started a family. She has a Etsy & Ebay shop where she usually sells ribbons, buttons & fabrics etc. But she has just recently had a little boy so is currently understandably taking some time out. She has been blogging since February 2015.
She can be found on twitter as: @ladybughome1
My Favourite Blog Posting: ETSY FAVOURITES: Easter Gifts 2015
The Liebster award is designed for bloggers that are just starting their blogging journey. This is a great opportunity to link up with other bloggers and pass the award forward.
- Thank the person who nominated you and link back to their blog
- Answer their questions in a blog post
- Nominate at least 10 blogs with 400 followers or less on twitter
- Ask some questions of your own
- Let your nominees know you nominated them!
Questions Prepared by My Nominators:
1. Tell us more about your blog?
My blog is a mummy/lifestyle blog. I love creating personal gifts & finding fun ways to organise my home & life. I also love finding fun things to do & amazing places to eat on a budget in the beautiful county I live in. My blog showcases these elements of my life as well as gives me a great place to meet other mums & dads.
2. What is your favourite part about blogging? And least favourite part?
My favourite part has to be meeting new people. I am so shocked about how friendly other bloggers are & how much they help to push you forward. It is such a lovely community & I feel so grateful to have been welcomed into it.
My least favourite part is not having the time to build my own template. I know exactly how I want my blog to look but I just don't have time to put it together! If you're great at custom blog designs then please don't hesitate to get in touch!
3. If you could interview anyone for your blog, whom would it be?
I would love to interview Martha Stewart. She is so inspiring!
4. What is your favourite book?
Who moved my cheese? By Dr Spencer Johnson. I am so bad at dealing with change. I read this every time I'm stuck in a rut & it helps me every time!
5. What would your perfect day be like?
My perfect day at the moment would be in three parts. Firstly, I would go to a coffee shop by myself for a few hours so I could just sit, relax & write stories. It would then be followed up with an afternoon of fun on the beach with my little family & then topped off with a relaxing evening alone with my partner Jamie. It is so rare not only to get a moment to myself nowadays, but also for all three of us to be together or for me & Jamie to get any alone time because he works so much.
6. Where is your favourite place to visit?
I am so lucky to live in Cornwall in the UK. It is such a beautiful county & there are so many stunning towns, villages & seaside spots to visit. It sounds cliched but it is my favourite place to visit. My favourite place in the world to sit is 'The Island' in St. Ives. Although it's a bit breezy, you get stunning views in all directions, whether you're sitting facing St. Ives or the open ocean. It's my favourite place to picnic in the summer!
7. If you could have superpower, what would it be?
I would love to be able to fly. Saving up for flights would be a thing of the past! I would scoop up my family & fly them off to all of the countries I'd love to be able to see.
8. If you could live one moment in your life again, what would it be?
It's not very glamorous, but I'd love to go back to the early days of Jamie & I. I'd love to relive one of our lazy days when we were able to just stay in bed in our pjs watching films all day.
9. What was your favourite birthday or christmas gift?
This is going to sound cheesy but my favourite gift for both my birthday AND christmas was time. Jamie works as a chef. My birthday always falls on August bank holiday weekend. This is the BUSIEST weekend of the year for him at work. Christmas is also so extreme for him. To get to spend time with him on my birthday & at Christmas was such a blessing. I am unbelievably grateful to his work for letting him take some time off.
10. What is your goal for your blog in the next year?
To get it looking how I want it to & to become more understanding of the blogger world!
I nominate:
Here are your questions:
1. What is your highlight of 2015 so far?
2. What is your favourite quote?
3. Which celebrity do you most want to meet?
4. What tops your bucket list at the moment?
5. What is your favourite thing about blogging?
6. If you could do any job in the world what would it be?
7. What is your favourite film?
8. Why did you start blogging?
9. Where is your favourite place to visit?
10. Which is your favourite blog post so far?
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