Tuesday, 24 February 2015

I've loved the idea of giving someone a 'little box of sunshine' as a gift for so long. The ones that I've seen other people create have mostly been care packages for people who are poorly. I decided to do one for one of my best friends birthdays this week...

She has recently lost someone very close to her and this is her first birthday without them. I really wanted to make a present for her that would brighten up her day and remind her that a new age can be the bright start of a new chapter. 
This box was quite easy for me to fill. My friend ADORES candles, is obsessed with nail polish and likes a good pamper session. But you can create so many different varieties of these boxes! Whether it's for someone who is poorly, for a birthday, for a pick-me up, for a man or a woman. The picture below is the semi-final result. I also added a yellow wrapped chocolate bar to it as well. No pamper session would be complete without something sweet!!
I know that I would LOVE to receive one of these when i'm feeling blue. I really enjoyed making it. I don't think the pictures do justice to how bright the box is in real life. You DEFINITELY need to consider wearing sunglasses. 

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